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Guardian Druid Tank Guide

Quick Go Trough - Guardian Druid 10M
This is a simple guide for Guardian Druids
Stamina => Agility > Hit 7.5% > Expertise 15% > Crit > Haste > Mastery > Dodge

Gems :

Prismatic = Smooth Sun's Radiance
Red = Smooth Sun's Radiance
Blue = Smooth Sun's Radiance or Jagged Wild Jade (Jagged if you feel like you need more HP)
Yellow = Smooth Sun's Radiance
Meta = Austere Primal Diamond
What you really want to do is just gem crit since it's the base stat for your migitation.


15: Wild Charge
30: Ysera's Gift
45: Typhoon
60: Incarnation
75: Mighty Bash
90: Dream of Cenarius


Major Glyphs:
<Glyph of Maul (Required)>
<Glyph of Frenzied Regeneration>
<Glyph of Might of Ursoc (Optional)>
<Glyph of Survival Instincts (Optional)>

Minor Glyphs: All these are optional, but there are one which could be worth getting.
<Glyph of Grace>

Boss Tanking Rotation:

1. <Mangle>, use on cooldown.
2. <Lacerate>, always try to keep 3 Stacks up at all time and use for <Mangle> proc.
3. <Fearie Fire>, use when you're tanking for Sunder Armor and chance on <Mangle> proc.
4. <Tresh> for AoE Damage and Bleed.
5. <Swipe> for AoE
6. <Maul> always use if Rage isn't needed for defensive cd's such as <Savage Defense> and <Frenzied Regeneration>


Defensive Cd's

<Barkskin> Reduces damage taken by 20%, Use as often as possible.
<Savage Defence> Costs 60Rage and increases 45% dodge rating. Try to keep this up as much as possible during boss fights.
<Frenzied Regeneration> Costs minimum 1Rage and Maximum 60Rage and heals you for an amount based on the Rage amount.
<Survival Instincts> Reduces damage taken by 50%. Use when low on HP or before high damage boss ability.
<Might of Ursoc> Increases Health by 30%. Use when low on HP.


Offensive Cd's

<Berserker> Makes you able to spam <Mangle> use for damage boost and faster rage increase (Savage Defense - Frenzied Regeneration>
<Incarnation - Son of Ursoc> Removes cooldowns on melee damage abilites and growl. Use this mainly for damage and rage increase, but also for spam taunt.

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